Patch me up before you go, go.

Boys! The reason patches were invented. (Okay, so I actually have busted the knee out of a pair of pants within the past year, but that was an accident.)

Anyway. I like patching pants. It gets a little artsy. Sometimes.

Here is a sampling of some of my patch jobs:





Ninja party

Ninjas fighting on your birthday cake?! Sure! No problem!


I swear my kid’s cake requests get more complicated every time. Turns out my magic wand still has a little juice left in it, but not enough for two ninjas. Just one!





Have a Ball… Cake.

My sister’s baby turned two. Ball party!

She found some ball cake ideas online. We heated up Starburst on a cookie sheet in the oven until they were malleable. We rolled them into balls, rolled them out with a rolling pin, and cut out two ball sizes with a  tablespoon and teaspoon. Some were left as ‘air balls’.  Those were hardened in the fridge on wax paper and then put on the cake with wooden skewers. My sister bought black icing for the ‘bounce’ lines.



My boys old super hero shirts became quite disgusting. SO… new ones!

Five easy steps for your very own super shirts!

#1 Buy compression shirts. Yes, I know any color other than white would hold up better, but I LOVE white.

#2 Iron double sided glue paper(bought in the same section with interfacing) to the felt color of your choice. Black for today’s shirts, because I thought it looked nice with the gray topstitching. Continue reading